
We provide plant and machine design services. So, whether you need an idea realized, need some general enigneering done or need to mechanize your operation. Drotsky can help.

We use simple yet effective technology that demands little maintenance and is cost effective. It is for this reason that we moved away from the conventional 180° sieve to the 360° sieve. The advantage of this unconventionally designed hammer mill is that the milled product comes out of the machine at a far higher rate than the old conventional designs, making operations more efficient.

We are proud to have an abundance of technically skilled staff, such as CNC machine operators, and we are pleased that since 1985 all of our highly skilled welders are female. We adhere to industry standards and regulations, and the health and safety of our workers is of the utmost importance to us.

Service and Machine

We offer a refurbishment service on all our equipment, in-house testing stations and equipment and concise after sales service as well as training for all our products.

We also do off-site visits and demonstrations if circumstances call for it. Our team is equipped to modify old generation hammer mills into new generation mills. The S and M range modification/refurbishment takes one day, while the M100 modification takes five days. Servicing of hammer mills is done in only one day at the factory.

Spare Parts

We stock spare parts for all products we offer. We distribute spare parts to co-operatives, through local agents and overseas through export agents.

Training and Support

We provide a full technical back-up service. Where necessary, foreign agents are trained at the factory and local agents are assisted to give the necessary back-up in terms of spares and product knowledge. We also do off-site visits and demonstrations if circumstances call for it

All our staff members are highly skilled and capable, and we keep track of the latest technology and developments in our industry so we can pass this knowledge on to our clients.